Arbol de Fuego - these trees are all over Meanguera and so beautiful in bloom! |
I'm sad to have left my children and they are a little sad that they were left behind. :) They are eagerly waiting to be able to come back to the center. I have been enjoying watching the progress of the children even in the smallest things. Dayana is learning to incorporate herself in the group more, Josue has adopted each child as his own even though he is not any older than the rest of them and will tolerate anything from them, Rosme comes to seek out our laps whenever he's tired of playing because he knows he's welcome there. The older children like to remind each other that they should share (usually with a little bit of selfish interest - "but I want to play with that doll; we are supposed to share" - haha). It makes me laugh to hear them singing English songs and practicing English phrases when they think no one else is paying attention. Little Erika was practing her Bible verse with her friends over lunch. There was a very funny conversation over the correct way to say the verse and which one they were practicing. All these things make my heart glad. Sometimes all we do is plant the seeds, but we never know what God is doing with the seeds. It is fun to see some fruit!
Becca with some of the older children - from back left: Rosmeri and Delmy. From front left: Erika , Erika, Verenisse, Iseyda, Cesia. We are missing a lot in this picture! |
Matia with some of the younger children - from back left: Dayana, Ezequiel, Lorena, Josue. Olman on Matia's right and Keyla in his lap. |
The children, no matter how much they try our patience on any given day, always bring laughter and joy. We are here to help them, but they are such a precious gift from God! Last week, Rosme had a cold and preferred to chase Matia around with his boogers rather than clean his nose; he and the other kids were hysterical with laughter. On Wednesday, Lorena came early and was watching me clean up the kitchen. She stuck her lips way out disapprovingly when I hung up the towel and said, "No Abeca (she can't say Rebecca yet), así no es!" which means, "No Abeca, it's not like that!" and she took it down and showed me the proper way to hang a towel. What would we do without four year olds to straighten us out after all? One of my special joys are the hugs I get from the children. Olman usually pats my cheeks first and then gives me a hug. :) I'm here to love them, but I think sometimes they are better at loving me!
Trying to teach English with everyone on my lap. :) |
I miss these children tons and I can't wait to get back to them, but I'm excited to be here and share with you all what God is doing in Meanguera. I am so grateful for the children and for Gloria and Matia. I have had a very awesome staff to work with and it has been a blessing from the Lord! Thank you all for your support and your care! This couldn't happen without you and I can't tell you all how much it means to me to know that you all are praying for me and to open up my email or my facebook and see a message from one of you that you are thinking of us. Keep praying for us! Some of the older children sent you all a "hello" by video, but for some reason the videos won't upload today - maybe later. God bless you all!
Lorena and Josue spending some time with Matia. |