The favorite activity after snack. All the kids gather in the corner and Olman sits in front of them and begins a sermon. None of us have understood him yet. :) |
I want to tell you all a little bit more about the children that I get to work with here, but first let me give you a general update on the last couple of weeks.
We have had a lot of sick little ones lately and we will be headed to the doctor with one on Monday. Little Rosme has been lethargic and not interested in playing for over a week now and we are hoping we can have him back to normal soon. School was also out for the last half of the week and attendance is usually down when school's out because a lot of the children that live far away come to the center with their brothers and sisters on their way to class. I am a little sad because the circumstances have changed for a lot of the children that live farther away and some of them are not able to come any more. I am hoping that we will be able to arrange transportation for them soon, but we still need more monthly income to be able to do that. Meanwhile, I am trying to trust God that He knows who to send, when, and how, and we are contacting other children who have wanted to come to the center.
Bible story time with the younger group. |
Rosmeri (left), Melvin (center), and Iseyda hard at work with play doh. |
Guillermo very concentrated on his work. He is a very busy young man.
We also had a visit from Matia's brother, Josue. Josue had to do some community service hours for his upcoming highschool graduation. The children thought he was a blast! My shy one - Abilio - made friends with Josue right away and had him building lego houses in a matter of minutes. We are also looking forward to a visit from Sandi and Michael, a couple of "gringo" friends at the end of the month! The kids are looking forward to their visit and I'm so excited for them to have a chance to put some of their English into practice. |
Abilio pretending to take pictures while Josue fixes Ezequiel's hair. |
Today, I hope that I can help you all get to know Rosme a little better. He is the youngest of the group - still not 3 years old until September. He is the smallest, but he thinks he's the biggest. He reminds me a little bit of a Chihuahua. :) Rosme has quite a walk to get to the center. I'd say it's a least 3 miles one way. His mother is away working and his father is not involved in his life. He lives with his grandmother, great-grandmother, one of his brothers, and I think an uncle. Usually, Rosme is all play and energy. He defends what he thinks is his territory like the best of them. He is learning how to share and how to say, "please" and "thank you" rather than screaming and demanding what he wants. :) He has an attitude bigger than he is, but that is part of what makes him the life of the party. He has a great sense of humor and loves to tease even though he is still learning how to talk in full sentences. Since he has been sick, we have not seen him this week and his presence is sorely missed!
Rosme's version of a smile for the camera. :) |
Not feeling so great and he refuses to sleep on the bed. He prefers the floor because that's what he's used to. |
A little fuzzy, but this picture makes me laugh. This is Rosme "closing his eyes" for the game that we are playing. |
Please pray for our health, specifically for Rosme's and his trip to the doctor. Also, pray for wisdom in how to handle the circumstances of the children who are far away and no longer coming to the center. I am so thankful for the children that we do have and how much they are learning and how much they are teaching me too. God is so good and faithful everyday even when we get tired and cranky. It is too easy to take His grace forgranted everyday. We would be lost without His faithfulness everday. Thank you all for your support and your prayers. You are God's gift to the children here and to me!