Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Are You Crazy?

It makes me laugh out loud the number of times that I have been told that I’m crazy when I tell people about my vision for El Salvador. I get the question a lot: “So, what are you up to these days?” When I explain that I’m packing up and heading to El Salvador to go and care for a bunch of children, the next questions is usually: “Well, for how long?” My response is always, “please don’t make me come back. El Salvador feels like my home now.” Then I get the question outright: “Are you crazy?” Then sometimes I start to wonder, “am I?” Well, I guess it depends on your definition of crazy. For a lot of people, leaving the culture, family, friends, and luxuries I’ve known all my life is crazy. To give up all the things and the life that I have here in the United States is crazy. After all, aren’t people sneaking into this country from those other countries every day? Isn’t there a reason they’d rather be in the US?

Well, if that is your definition of crazy, then I am crazy. J I admit it, but let me tell you why I am crazy. I am crazy because El Salvador is a country that is suffering from crime and violence, people are murdered every day, children are left to roam the streets, families are not functioning as a cohesive unit. It breaks my heart to see the hopeless look on some of those precious little faces. The people are aching to hear that Jesus loves them and died to save them from their sins. They need that hope in their lives. I am crazy because I love those children, I love those families, and I love that country. I am crazy because God has given me a desire to bring the hope of the gospel to the children and their families and my heart won’t let me do anything else. I cannot wait to be there with my friends and "my children" and see what God will do in El Salvador!
Brayan - always full of personality. Who doesn't love that face?
Reading to "my children" in El Salvador.

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