Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Brayan is such a precious child, but his story breaks my heart.  Brayan was 3 years old when I worked with him in El Salvador. He was somewhat of a challenge at first. He was very upset with his mother for leaving him with us at first, but soon he decided to join in with everyone.  After a few days,  I noticed a daily routine with Brayan. Every time that he came, he would very enthusiastically begin playing with everyone and join in with whatever was going on. Then, he would suddenly get cranky and start destroying the buildings, pictures, and puzzles the children were making. We couldn’t seem to distract him from focusing on destroying things and leaving other little children crying in his wake. One day during one of these rampages, I picked him up and held him on my lap for a little while; he stopped completely, put his head on my shoulder, and just sat there. I finally realized that this little boy just needed some extra love and attention. From that day on, we made sure to spend extra time with Brayan and make sure he had extra help with whatever he was doing.  Wow, what a huge difference! He turned into such an enthusiastic little boy, who came running in every morning, giving out hugs, and eager to do everything in a much more cooperative spirit! He loved being with us and would often play while singing us a song or practicing new words and animal noises with us. :) 
Brayan being stubborn about pretty much everything at first. :)
Excited that lunch was coming!
Brayan soon turned into a child that was dearly missed if he didn’t show up. We would look forward to him coming every day and somehow it didn’t seem like the day was quite complete if he didn’t come. I was more and more impressed by what an intelligent child Brayan was showing himself to be. He learned his Bible verses faster than any other child and never needed help reciting them.  He always had funny little quips and endearing ways to say them that would keep us laughing all day. He would look for funny things to do to make us laugh. He was just so much fun and such a joy to have around. 

Being goofy with the legos. 

Later, I would often find Brayan wandering the streets alone. I could not believe my eyes: a 3 year old alone in the streets. His mother was often busy at work and Brayan would be left to do his own thing. He spent half a day with me once without anyone ever coming to look for him. I realized then why he needed so much love and attention from us.

Brayan is such a treasure for me. What a precious child with such a fun personality! Sadly, today I do not know where he is. His mother left his father, took Brayan with her, and left behind Brayan’s older brother. I hope that I will see him again one day; I miss him! He is a child with so much potential like so many of these children.  My prayer for Brayan is that one day God will fill Brayan’s needy, hungry heart with His love. 
                                                         I taught them to sing "Happy Birthday." This is Brayan 
                                                        singing it to me. No, it was not my birthday, but it felt like it!

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