Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Madelin with her bag that she never let out of her sight. 
We had so much fun with Madelin! She was almost 3 years old when she came to my class. We had a lot of tears from her in the beginning, but those soon turned to laughter and chatter when she started playing with everyone. She loved to sing and would do all of the hand motions very enthusiastically – she would always get her whole body into and make us laugh! She also loved to do arts and crafts, play outside, make things out of play-doh, and pretty much anything else that we were doing. She was never one to be left out! Madelin would always say whatever she was thinking in such a funny way; she definitely kept us laughing. She always came to class with some kind of a bag - sometimes a back pack, sometimes just a shopping bag - but she would take everything out of it when she arrived to show us everything she had brought with her that day. I would often see her on the weekends and she would ask if we were having class on Monday and let me know that she was going to be there. She hardly ever missed a day she could spend with us!
It's always fun to stick your hands in paint!

Play-doh with Sandra. 
Madelin lives with her mom and dad and older sister.  They are all very sweet. At first, Madelin’s mother was worried about sending Madelin to our class because she was the youngest child there, but her father really wanted her to have a chance to practice English. In the end, everyone was happy because they saw that Madelin was really enjoying the time she spent with us and they enjoyed a little break from her.Of course, we were more than happy to take her off their hands and laugh with Madelin every day! Even today, over a year later, Madelin still remembers our time together and will ask when we are having class again. I tell her I hope we will some day soon!

My prayer for Madelin is that one day she and her family will one day enjoy a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
                                                   Madelin making sure to get all of the hand motions in with her songs.

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